mercury_goldAstrology Symbols Guide – discover the deeper meaning of astrological symbols in your birth chart.

This astrology symbols guide is an ongoing list of common astrological symbols and glyphs to help you understand your birth chart.

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Zodiac Signs and Their Astrology Symbols

Zodiac Sign: Symbol:
 Keywords & notes:
Aries a  Cardinal Fire. Bold, courageous, enthusiastic, and impulsive.  read more…
Taurus b  Fixed Earth. Practical, persistent, sensual, and stubborn. read more…
Gemini c    Mutable Air. Intelligent, light-hearted, communicative, and indecisive. read more…
Cancer d    Cardinal Water. Caring, sensitive, empathic, and fearful. read more…
Leo e    Fixed Fire. Warm, creative, playful, and egotistical. read more …
Virgo f   

 Mutable Earth. Discerning, analytical, helpful, and neurotic. read more …

Libra g   Cardinal Air. Gracious, charming, diplomatic, and manipulative. read more …
Scorpio h   Fixed Water. Intense, passionate, resourceful, and secretive. read more…
Sagittarius i   Mutable Fire. Optimistic, gregarious, honest, and dogmatic. read more…
Capricorn j  Cardinal Earth. Organized, serious, ambitious, and ruthless. read more…
Aquarius k  Fixed Air. Independent, detached, humanitarian, and inflexible. read more…
Pisces l   Mutable Water. Sensitive, imaginative, compassionate, and unfocused. read more…













New Astrological Symbols

Astrology is always evolving. That means new astrological symbols for asteroids, planetoids, dwarf planets, plutonians, goddesses, and centaurs are always being created.  Our aim is to have as many new and existing astrology symbols as possible right here, so becomes your go-to astrology symbols guide.



The Zodiac and The Zoo

Do you know what the words Zodiac and Zoo have in common? The word Zodiac comes from the ancient Greek zodiakos which literally meant “circle of little animals”, it has it’s roots in the word zoion which meant “animal” and was also the root of the modern word “zoo”. Source:



Planetary Astrology Symbols

Planets:  Astrology Symbols:
 Keywords & notes:
The Sun A

 Vitality, prana, life-force energy, and radiance Read full post

Moon B Instinct, emotions, receptivity, and nurturing… read more Read full post
Vulcan     astrology symbols vulcanastrology symbols vulcan-2Vulcan symbol used in Time Passages software A hidden planet used in esoteric astrology. The natal placement is said to be within 8º 20′ of the Sun.

Mental processes, intelligence, speech, and communication Read full post

Venus Love, attraction, beauty, and sensuality…
Earth The path, dharma, contribution, and service… read more
Mars E Personal drive, action, will, and courage…
Jupiter F Expansion, benevolence, generosity, and wisdom…
Saturn Authority, authenticity, structure, and responsibility…
Uranus astrology symbols uranus Rebellion, innovation, intuition, and awakening…
Neptune Spirituality, compassion, illusion, and transcendence…
Pluto astrology symbols pluto(2) Transformation, power, catharsis, regeneration, and emptiness…














Carl Jung on Astrology

Did you know that the eminent forefather of modern psychology, Carl Gustav Jung, had a lifelong interest in astrology? Jung believed that astrology could provide symbolic insight into the workings of the human psyche.  He viewed astrology as a symbolic language of archetypes, the formative principles and patterns in the depths of the unconscious mind. 

“[Astrology is] the sum of all
the psychological knowledge of antiquity.”

– C.G. Jung
Source: Jung on Astrology by Routlege




Astrology Symbols for Angles and Points

Angles & Points: Astrology Symbols:
 Keywords & notes:
Ascendant (Rising Sign)
The zodiac sign that was rising on the horizon at the time of your birth Read more...
Midheaven Q
Lunar North Node (Caput draconis or Dragon’s Head L Potential future path that may bring deeper insight and awareness. Read more...
Lunar South Node (Cauda draconis or Dragon’s Tail) M Indicator of past patterns that bring a sense of ease but lack the potential for growth. Read more...
Vertex Vx   The vertex of a horoscope is the westernmost point on the Ecliptic where it intersects the Prime Vertical.
Retrograde Motion R When planets appear to move backwards in their orbit. Read more ...
Lilith (Lunar Apogee) T astrology symbols Otherwise known as the Black Moon (Lilith). Read more on the Mean and True Black Moon (Lilith).


This is not to be confused with the asteroid Lilith or the Dark Moon Lilith (below). read more

Dark Moon (Lilith) astrological symbols Sometimes known as “Waldemath’s Moon“, “Sepharial’s Moon” or the “Ghost Moon“. read more.


Not to be confused with the asteroid Lilith or the Black Moon Lilith (above) read more

Arabic Part (Lot) of Fortune S The Arabian Parts are not used in all branches of astrology, but are mainly used in Horary Astrology.  The Part of Fortune is thought to be a good luck factor in a chart.



Astrology Symbols and Glyphs

Q: What’s the difference between an astrology symbol and a glyph?

A: A symbol is anything we use to represent something else. So if we say x=10 then the number 10 is being symbolized by the letter x. Glyphs are pictorial images that are used to symbolize something.

Glyphs are a type of symbol, but you can have a symbol that is not a glyph. Take the zodiac sign of Taurus, for instance. Taurus is symbolized by a Bull and this is represented by a glyph that is a circle with what appears to be ‘horns’ coming out of the top: b


When Is A Symbol Not A Glyph?

You could just as easily  symbolize Taurus with a picture of a bull. That would be a symbol, but not a glyph. Using this example we can see how all astrology glyphs are symbols, although all astrological symbols are not glyphs!

Some older books refer to astrological glyphs as sigils but this is not accurate because a true sigil is used as a magical talisman.


Aspects Etymology: The Latin word aspicere means ‘to regard’, ‘to behold’, ‘view’, ‘look at’, ‘witness’ or ‘see’ each other.

from AstroWiki

Aspects in astrology describe the geometric relationship between planets, points and angles. The orb of any aspect is the range of degree allowed for the aspect to still be considered valid. For example, a conjunction may still be valid within an orb (a range) of 0º to 12º

Aspect Astrology Symbols

Major Aspects:

Aspects: Astrology Symbols:  Keywords & notes:
 Conjunction  m 0º angle – commonly with an orb of 8º – variable .
 Opposition  n 180º angle – orb of 8º – Tense .
 Square  o 90º angle – orb of 8º – Challenging .
 Trine p 120º –  orb of 8º – Harmonious

Minor aspects

 Sextile  q 60º – orb of 4º This is a harmonious major aspect where the energies involved flow and work well together.
 Semi-Sextile  r 30º – orb of 2º Uneasy minor aspect. Some integration of the energies is required.
 Quincunx/ Inconjunction  s 150º – orb of 2º Uneasy minor aspect. Energies may be ‘blind’ to one another and find it difficult to engage.
 Semi-Square  t 45º – orb of 2º Tense minor aspect.  Effort may be required to resolve tension.
 Sesqui-Square / Sesquiquadrate  u 135º – orb of 2º Tense minor aspect.  Effort may be required to resolve tension.
Quintile v 72º – orb of 2º Harmonious minor aspect.
Bi-Quintile w 144º – orb of 2º Harmonious minor aspect.
Quindecile quindecile  24º or 165º – orb of 2º This minor aspect is sometimes associated with obsession and/or compulsion. read more
Septile septile This minor aspect is associated with “Inspiration”.  read more
Novile novile  40º – with 1-2º orb This aspect is associated with the  “gestation of ideas” read more



Declinations are:    “planets the same distance from the celestial equator” read more
Parallel x definition
Contra-Parallel y definition


Asteroids, Dwarf Planets, Plutonians, Centaurs …and everything else!

“The Centaurs are about the journey of releasing a consciousness that is caught and trapped in what is too compulsive, earthly and literal, and yet is also seeking embodiment.”

– Melanie Reinhart, in “Chiron, Pholus and Nessus: To The Edge And Beyond”


Centaurs: Astrology Symbols:
 Keywords & notes:
Chiron U  Chiron is associated with healing, teaching, suffering, and questing. Read more...
Pholus  astrology symbols pholus(2)astrology symbols pholusastrology symbols pholus Pholus is associated with divination, sacred knowledge, and addiction. Read more...
Nessus astrology symbols nessus astrology symbols nessus(2) Nessus is associated with lust, betrayal, abuse of power, facing consequences, and atonement. Read more...


The very fine-line astrology symbols for the asteroids below were researched and beautifully drawn by Denis Moskowitz

 Asteroids:  Astrology Symbols:
 Keywords & notes:
 Ceres  Ceres  
 Pallas  Pallas  
 Juno  JunoX  
 Vesta  VestaVesta0Vesta1Vesta2  
 Astraea  Astraea  
 Hebe  Hebe  
 Iris  Iris  
 Flora  Flora  
 Metis  Metis  
Hygeia  Hygiea KZ  
Parthenope  Parthenope  
Victoria  Victoria  
Irene  Irene  
Eunomia  Eunomia  
Psyche  Psyche  
Eris N eris  
Lilith astrological symbols This is Asteroid Lilith, which is not to be confused with Black Moon Lilith and Dark Moon Lilith read more

We are continually adding astrology symbols (and their meanings) so watch this space!

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Ascendant Symbol

Ascendant symbol and font used by Time Passages Software and Astrograph Software. ©Astrograph Software

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Midheaven Symbol
©Astrograph Software

Midheaven symbol and font used by Time Passages Software and Astrograph Software. ©Astrograph Software

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